3D Citrus Degreaser (For Dilution System) 4L
3D Citrus Degreaser (For Dilution System) 4L
3D Super Citrus APC uses Limonene
Oils, which are a group of chemical compounds known as terpenes.
These compounds are extracted from the peels of oranges, limes, grapefruits,
and other citrus fruits. After extraction, Limonen Terpene Oils are often
referred to as d-limonene, which is its chemical form after processing.
These natural oils excel at dissolving and emulsifying anything
non-water-soluble contaminants like oily films, traffic film, grease, grime,
and sludge as well as other auto-related contaminants like bug splatter, tree
sap, road tar, dirt-build-up, etc. This water-based organic degreaser has a
slow to medium evaporation rate providing excellent working time unlike
petroleum based solvent degreasers, which tend to evaporate faster.
The natural orange oils provide a
low surface tension on the surface being cleaned providing superior wetting of
the surface soils and contaminants enabling this formula to work faster and
more effectively.
3D Orange Degreaser with its
natural citrus oils for cleaning power is much safe for people and more gentle
on your hands and skin.
3D Orange Degreaser can be used
to clean and remove, adhesives - blood - car oils and grease, crayon markings,
ink from magic markers, lipstick, and other cosmetic stains, chewing gum,
sticker, emblem, trim and molding adhesive, oily soap scum and much, much